Highly aesthetic, reliable and efficient. The stabilised leucite structure (SLS) prevents the propagation of cracks and chipping. With SLS, HeraCeram Zirkonia offers maximum reliability in the veneering of zirconium oxide.
HeraCeram Zirkonia Paste Adhesive ensures maximum adhesion of the veneering ceramic to the zirconium oxide framework without risky sandblasting of the sensitive zirconium oxide surface.
We have developed the paste HeraCeram Stains universal for the final customisation of monolithic all-zirconium oxide prosthetics.
The firing behaviour of the universal stains is perfectly compatible with the properties of HeraCeram Zirkonia. This ensures perfect colour design without affecting the light transmission through the translucent zirconium oxide framework.
Create the ideal conditions so that your ceramic veneering is fun and successful.