Heraenium® S - for C&B
Heraenium® S - for C&B

Heraenium® S - for C&B

NiCr – non precious alloy


Product details
(content in mass %)
Ni 62.9
Cr 23.0
Mo 10.0
Si 2.0
Fe 1.5
Ce 0.6
Type 3 (s/k)
Shade White
Indication Crowns
Milling technique
Article Code
Technical data, melting and casting
Melting range (1) Solidus 1200°C
Liquidus 1350°C
Preheating Temperature 850 – 900°C
Casting Temperature 1500°C
Crucible Ceramic NPM
Density (1) 8.2 g/cm3
Hardness, HV5 200 HV 10 (w/k), - (v), 180 HV 10 (s)
0.2 % proof stress(1), MPa(2) 335 (w/k), - (v)
Elongation(1) % 23 (w/k), - (v)
Elastic modulus(1), GPa(2) 224
Ceramic firing
CTE 13.7
Oxide firing 950°C / 10 min. (3)
Soft annealing ---
Processing after oxide firing Sandblasting with 125 µm Aluminium Oxide
Cooling after ceramic firing (Relexation cooling is recommended for lang span, bulky frameworks) HeraCeram: Rapid cooling
At the end of the program the firing platform is completely and firing tray with objects is removed immediately. The firing tray can cool next to the furnace on a fire-resistant tray.
Others: Normal cooling (Stress relief cooling)
The firing platform is driven down at the end of the program and the firing tray is left in the radiated heat for 2 – 3 minutes before it is removed.
Hardening ---
Prior to Ceramic Firing
Solder suitable dental NiCr basic solders according to EN ISO 9333
Solder colour: white
After Ceramic Firing
Solder Stahlgold Lot 750
Flux** Work.temp. * 750°C / Solder colour: white
Alloy also available as Laser weiding wire
suitable dental NiCr laser welding wires according to EN ISO 28319

Specification legend


Instructions for use


  • HeraCeram® NP-Primer

    HeraCeram® NP-Primer

    For processing HeraCeram and HeraCeramSun on NPM alloys.